RZUA Headquarters

The creation of a new church denomination is a major event; not often in church history does a new way of looking at established faith develop into an entire new organization. In order for such a remarkable event to happen, a remarkable person usually is involved such as Martin Luther or John Wesley. When the man and the times that lead to change come together, amazing things can happen.

The Reformed Zion Union Apostolic Church was the result of such a joining. A turbulent and troubled period of history, that followed the end of the Civil War and slavery, was met by a man who had a dream of a church in all ways dedicated to serving God in a truly Biblical fashion. James R. Howell, a man of great vision and of a power of speech, took his vision to people who needed it; the result was a new faith.

The few facts we know about Howell paint a picture of a very determined man, a person who had been born into hardship and hard work, and one who deeply cared about his faith. He was obviously a very intelligent person, one who studied and yearned to learn more. His circumstances held him back in many ways, but perhaps that helped form the visionary leader he became when he came "over the hill."

While his vision was vast and strong, it drew in thousands of followers to earn incredible church growth and a witness to his depth of feeling and power of preaching. But as Howell grew older, his inability to bend to any new thought in his church, his determination to hold to the power he had once used to keep the church growing, led to his downfall. His is a tragic story in many ways.

But for all the strife in the early church, the denomination persevered.

It would not have done so but for leadership from many great men of strong faith who labored hard to keep the church and its dream alive. These men had always before them a strong faith in Jesus Christ and in the God who led them. They took their Bibles and their worship seriously. They led through the valley of chaos and to the sunlight of the present where a strong, still growing church beckons. Today's church is the product of the forging in fire that occurred in the early days of trial. This is a noble history, and one to be applauded as an example of people who put God first in their lives.

Now, all across the softly rolling country of Southside Virginia and into North Carolina, people draw together to worship in a sincere, vibrant, and joyous celebration of the power of the Holy Spirit working among them. They join in congregations that have weathered over a century of growth and change in their lives and in the world. The R.Z.U.A. Church of America has a proud and strong heritage.

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